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Good design is often overlooked for smaller companies. The reason this happens is because most of us don’t know what good design looks like or what it does. Good design isn’t a something that everyone will love, it is simply something that shows what you do and that you are different from your competitors. It gives structure to something new and helps build trust for new business. When we see something that is pleasing to us we are more likely to feel connected to the company before we even call.


Look the part

Like you didn’t start yesterday, make a great first impression with your design. Most people confuse this with a corporate design that is complicated and is really not necessary. All that is needed is a clean simple layout that looks like you know what you’re doing.


Stand out

I can’t tell you how many time I got a business card and knew exactly where it came from. Standing out isn’t always having a crazy design that no one has seen before. You can make a bold design that is easy to remember and again looks clean and simple.


Find your people

Good design can also do something that is also very important. With good design you connect with your audience. A lot of times we are attracted to designs we feel close to, like our age, our lifestyle and the way we think. Good design can help you find the right clients.


In this blog I mostly went over good brand design but there is so much you can do with good design. You can keep people on your website, make a card that won’t be thrown away immediately (at least for a little while) and grow with a good design.

Good design is a great starting point but if you want to make a great design check out my site here.


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